Monday, June 30, 2014


Memiliki bahan anti-tumoral yang mengaggumkan dan sangat efektif mencegah munculnya kedut. Selain itu juga memiliki sesquiterpines amat tinggi yang membuatnya mampu menembus penyumbatan pembuluh darah otak. Apabila dihidu, molekul boleh mengoksidakan sel-sel otak secara langsung atau melalui sistem peredaran darah. Frekuensi sangat tinggi & sesuai untuk meditasi. 
Frekuensi: 147 MHz 
Dianggap sebagai minyak paling “universal” atau ibu dari semua EO. Adalah struktur molekul yang kompleks kompenen beratus-ratus bahan kimia, jadi ia adalah efekktif dalam mewujudkan keseimbangan dan keharmonian melegakan pelbagai jenis gejala.
Frekuensi: 118 MHz.
Mempunyai keupayaan anti-bakteria yang agak tinggi, dan juga anti-virus dan anti-parasit. Lemon boleh digunakan untuk membersihkan air; untuk membantu badan mengekalkan tahap pH yang neutral. Lemon juga terbukti berkesan dalam mengurangkan batu buah pinggang (batu karang) dan untuk menggalakkan semangat dan tenaga.
Memiliki kemampuan anti-inflamasi yang sangat tinggi, terbaik untuk mengurangi rasa sakit. Sangat berkesan untuk sakit kepala dan sistem penghadaman. Biasanya dapat mengurangkan demam dalam beberapa minit dan melegakan saluran pernafasan dan sinus tersumbat.
Frekuensi : 78 MHz.
Merupakan campuran Bergamot, Geranium, Jasmine, Lemon, Mandarin, Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Rosewood, & Ylang Ylang.
Boleh meningkatkan semangat dan mengimbangi emosi. Dapat digunakan sebagai minyak wangi.
 Membantu mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan, sebagai pelega kesakitan dan mempunyai kemampuan yang sangat kuat anti-radang yang mengandungi beliau dan membantu menjana semula tisu badan yang sihat. Banyak digunakan utk masalah sakit otot, lebam, bengkak, sakit kepala, sakit sendi. 
Frekuensi: 112 MHz.
Sangat efektif untuk anak-anak yang memiliki masalah ADD dan ADHD, serta baik untuk menangani masalah kecemasan baik bagi kanak2 maupun orang dewasa, misalnya hiperaktif kanak-kanak, insomnia, susah tidur pada anak, stress, serangan panik, ketegangan, tantrum,etc.
Frekuensi: 105 MHz
Diciptakan untuk mengurangi masalah bau & kulat namun ternyata juga kuat untuk meneutralkan racun dari gigitan serangga, laba-laba, kalajengking dan bisa membantu menghapuskan bakteria yang ada di udara.
Frekuensi: 46 MHz
Merupakan produk perlindungan terbaik dari Young Living untuk warding pelbagai virus dan jangkitan bakteria.Thieves menjadi produk kegemaran semua penggunaan di seluruh dunia, Thieves lalu dikembangkan lagi menjadi satu serial thieves personal care & household products. 
Frekuensi: 150 MHz
 Mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengimbangi isu-isu fizikal dan tenaga, serta mampu membantu seseorang agar tetap bisa grounded. Digelar sebagai “Chiropractor in a Bottle” (Ahli Chirapactor dalam botol) kerana keupayaannya untuk mengimbangi semua sistem badan itu. bagaimanapun susunan frekunesi adalah sama dengan kekerapan tulang belakang manusia sehingga masalah tulang belakang akan lebih mudah ditangani oleh Valor.
Frekuensi:  47MHz 
Jika ada pertanyaan atau ingin membeli produk YL, sila pm atau email saya : Terima Kasih

Sunday, June 29, 2014

How to Use Essential Oils

there are three basic ways to use essential oils: inhalation, topical application, and internal consumption.


The inhalation of essential oils heightens the senses and can trigger numerous desired responses in the body. Below are several techniques used to inhale essential oils:
1.   Direct inhalation-simply smell them.
2.   Diffuse the oils using a Young Living diffuser which disperses the oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. The Young Living diffuser will not heat the oils, thus ensuring full benefits, as extreme heat can damage important constituents in the oil.
3.   Fill a humidifier with water. Put a tissue or small cloth, sprinkled with a few drops of oil, in front of the escaping steam. ( Do not put oil in your humidifier. It will float on top of the water instead of rising with the water vapor and may cause damage to your humidifier.)
4.   Carefully pour hot water into a bowl and add a few drops of oil. Cover your head and bowl in a tent-like fashion with a towel. Breathe deeply and slowly.

topical application:

Apply essential oils directly onto the skin where indicated. Dilute with V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex or a pure vegetable oil (e.g., olive or almond ) before applying if dilution is indicated in the Application Chart. Dilution may protect against possible skin sensitivities. Key points of application on the body are:
To apply topically on any of these areas, follow these simple steps:
1. Carefully tip the oil bottle and drop 2-3 drops in the palm of the hand or directly on the desired application area.
2. If dropping oil in your hand, rub palms together in a circular motion and then massage oil onto the desired point of application. If applying directly to the desired area, use your hand to massage the oil in a circular motion into the skin. Repeat if desired.
Attention: Essential oils are very potent, and some may be irritating to the skin. If irritation occurs, immediately apply V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex or pure vegetable oil to the area to dilute. Please read label directions for each individual oil before using.
You can also create your own massage oil blends by mixing your favorite essential oils with V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex or by using Young Living’s pre-mixed massage oil blends (e.g., Relaxation, Ortho Ease) to relax, uplift, soothe, and relieve.
Where to Topically Apply Essential Oils:
  • Crown of head
  • Temples
  • Behind ears
  • Neck
  • Upper back
  • Abdomen
  • Over vital organs
  • Soles and top of feet

internal consumption:

Suggested internal consumption methods:
1.  Put several drops of oil into an empty capsule and swallow with water.
2.  Add 1-2 drops to a glass of water or rice milk.
3.  Put 1-2 drops onto a piece of bread or add to your meals when cooking.
4.  Add 1-2 drops onto a teaspoon of Blue Agave and swallow.
5.  Drop directly onto the tongue and swallow. Exercise extreme caution when using this method. Many oils are very strong and should be tested by pouring a single drop onto a spoon and tasting a small portion to determine the amount of oil to be used.
Young Living essential oils are pure, which makes them powerful and effective. For the responsible use of essential oils, read the complete label on each bottle and follow the safety guidelines and tips found in the Essential Oils User’s Guide.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Raindrop on young child with Scoliosis

Testimony of Raindrop Technique Oils on a Young Child with Severe Scoliosis
I’ve posted a few articles on my blog on the advantages of Raindrop Technique but I wanted to share something about Raindrop on a more personal level.
I have a niece, now almost 7; she had a traumatic birth and developed some complications.  They ran a myriad of tests (MS, Downs, etc.), none of them came back “positive,” but eventually they diagnosed her with neuromuscular issues.  Because of the neuromuscular issues, she began to develop scoliosis (I think before the age of 2 if I remember correctly) and it got progressively worse as time went on.  She was taken to several doctors, they began doing physical therapy with her, etc., got a brace for her legs and her back, which were both uncomfortable for a 2 year old to wear, or for her to even understand why she needed to wear them.
When she was almost 5 the Lord led me to Young Living Essential Oils, through Sharnael Wolverton’s website, .  I had learned that Young Living’s essential oils had therapeutic benefits but I didn’t know about the Raindrop Technique until I started doing more research.
About this same time the doctors told my sister that her daughter had a 55% curve and were advising that she have surgery to put rods along her spine, which would need to be repeated as she grew.  This was not an option that my sister wanted to consider – for many, many reasons – and she started doing some research.
Once I found out about the Raindrop Technique I told my sister about the oils and suggested she come to visit me for a while, bring my nieces, and I would also talk to my chiropractor about seeing my niece as a patient.  As a chiropractor, he knew he could help her scoliosis but he was clear with me that scoliosis needed to be treated long term, quite intensely at first, then very regularly for the rest of their life.  He understood my sister’s situation and was willing to see my niece as a patient and suggested that she come visit for at least 6 weeks, longer if possible.  My sister worked it out for them to visit for just over 6 weeks and I set up the appointments.
I also ordered my first Raindrop Technique kit.
Chiropractic Care and Essential Oils-Raindrop
As soon as the Raindrop kit arrived I opened it up and watched the full-length DVD that comes with it of Dr. D. Gary Young demonstrating the Raindrop Technique in a classroom setting.  He goes through every step, describing what he is doing, what oils he is using, the many benefits of each oil, and why it was chosen to be in the kit.  I realized that anyone who wanted to do a Raindrop treatment on a family member or friend would be able to just “follow along” with the DVD.
After my sister and her daughters arrived, we waited until after her initial consultation with the chiropractor, then we began to do Raindrop treatments on my niece twice a week.  The chiropractor wanted to see her twice a week also, so the process began.  Valor was applied on her spine every morning, and her feet using Vita-Flex.  She also got a massage every evening with Ortho Ease Massage Oil.
My sister had several sets of x-rays of my niece prior to chiropractic treatment, and then the chiropractor took a few more at the end of 6 weeks.  Here are the x-rays of “before” and “after” treatment.  The x-rays are not digital, they are the film type so these are actually photographs taken of the x-rays on the light board so they have a bit of a glare on them.  The “before” x-ray is a lot clearer than the “after” because of the glare, so I drew a line off to the side of her spinal curve in the “after” x-ray to show the progress after 6 weeks of treatments.  She also grew 1 ½ inches during the 6 weeks due to her curve straightening out.
Before                                                                                          After
2012 08 08 front unbraced                           2013 02 28 with line diagram
There are no chiropractors convenient to where my sister lives, but she continues to give her daughter regular Raindrop treatments, at least weekly, sometimes twice a week if her schedule permits.  Each treatment takes about 45 minutes to an hour, and within about 6 months of the combined chiropractic and Raindrop treatments, my niece no longer needs to wear a lift in one of her shoes – her hips had been uneven because of the curve in her lower back, so the Raindrop Technique treatments continue the healing process of the scoliosis, even without the chiropractic adjustments.  Combining the two modalities of treatment would allow the correction to happen more quickly, but that isn’t an option for my niece right now.
I am not a doctor, and I am not diagnosing, advising or offering a cure.  This article is written with the intent to share our story.  Please consult with your health care provider, seek out a reputable chiropractor, and discover for yourself that there is relief for scoliosis.
I’m writing this article to encourage you, or anyone you may know with scoliosis or any other form of back injury, that Raindrop is very effective in bringing about healing, and it is something that you can do at home.  In this day and time of increased health care costs isn’t it wonderful to know there are alternatives out there?


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