Monday, December 28, 2009
Sambucol for Kids
Any mummies give this to ur kids?
Black Elderberry For Kids – Berry Flavoured Liquid by Sambucol
Boosts immunity
Virologist developed
Clinically tested
Sambucol with natural elderberry is trusted by millions of people with positive results being reported worldwide.
Developed by a world renowned virologist, Sambucol is the unique black elderberry extract that has been used in published clinical studies. No other elderberry brand can make the same claim. By using a proprietary method of extraction, only Sambucol can guarantee consistent, immune supporting properties in every dose.
Sambucol for Kids has been specially developed for Children.
Take Sambucol every day for continuous immune system support
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tips Menangani ANak
1.Mulakanlah hidup anak anda dengan nama panggilan yang baik. Nama panggilan yang kurang baik akan menyebabkan anak anda malu dan merasa rendah diri. (Dalam Islam sendiri nama panggilan yang baik adalah digalakkan).
2. Berikan anak anda pelukkan setiap hari (Kajian menunjukkan anak yang dipeluk setiap hari akan mempunyai kekuatan IQ yg lebih kuat daripada anak yang jarang dipeluk)
3. Pandanglah anak anda dengan pandangan kasih sayang (Pandangan ini akan membuatkan anak anda lebih yakin diri apabila berhadapan dengan persekitaran)
4. Berikan peneguhan setiap kali anak anda berbuat kebaikan (Berilah pujian, pelukkan, ciuman, hadiah ataupun sekurang-kurangnya senyuman untuk setiap kebaikan yang dilakukannya).
5. Janganlah mengharapkan anak anda yang belum matang itu melakukan sesuatu perbuatan baik secara berterusan, mereka hanya kanak-kanak yang sedang berkembang. Perkembangan mereka buatkan mereka ingin mengalami setiap perkara termasuklah berbuat silap.
6. Apabila anda berhadapan dengan masalah kerja dan keluarga,pilihlah keluarga (Seorang penulis menyatakan anak-anak terus membesar. Masa itu terus berlalu dan tak akan kembali).
7. Di dalam membesarkan dan mendidik anak-anak, janganlah tuan/puan mengeluh. Keluhan akan membuatkan anak-anak merasakan diri mereka beban.
8. Dengarlah cerita anak anda, cerita itu tak akan dapat anda dengari lagi pada masa akan datang. Tunggu giliran anda untuk bercakap (Ini akan mengajar anak anda tentang giliran untuk bercakap)
9. Tenangkan anak anda setiap kali mereka memerlukannya.
10. Tunjukkan kepada anak anda bagaimana cara untuk menenangkan diri. Mereka akan menirunya.
11. Buatkan sedikit persediaan untuk anak-anak menyambut harijadinya. Sediakanlah hadiah harijadi yang unik walaupun harganya murah. Keunikan akan membuatkan anak anda belajar menghargai. (Anak2 yg dtg daripada persekitaran yang menghargai akan belajar menghargai orang lain).
12. Kemungkinan anak kita menerima pengajaran bukan pada kali pertama belajar. Mereka mungkin memerlukan kita mengajar mereka lebih daripada sekali.
13. Luangkanlah masa bersama anak anda diluar rumah, peganglah tangan anak-anak apabila anda berjalan dengan mereka. Mereka tentu akan merasa kepentingan kehadiran mereka dalam kehidupan andasuami isteri.
14. Dengarlah mimpi ngeri anak-anak anda. Mimpi ngeri mereka adalah begitu real dalam dunia mereka.
15. Hargailah permainan kesayangan anak anda. Mereka juga dalammasa yang sama akan menghargai barang-barang kesayangan anda. Elakkan daripada membuang barang kesayangan mereka walaupun sudah rosak. Mintalah kebenaran mereka sebelum berbuat demikian.
16. Janganlah membiarkan anak-anak anda tidur tanpa ciuman selamat malam,
17. Terimalah yang kadangkala anda bukanlah ibubapa yang sempurna. Ini akan mengurangkan stress menjadi ibu bapa.
18. Jangan selalu membawa bebanan kerja pejabat ke rumah. Anak-anak akan belajar bahawa kerja pejabat selalunya lebih penting daripada keluarga.
19. Anak menangis untuk melegakan keresahan mereka tetapi kadangkala cuma untuk sound effect sahaja. Bagaimanapun dengarilah mereka, dua puluh tahun dari sekarang anda pula yang akan menangis apabila rumah mula terasa sunyi. Anak-anak anda mula sibuk mendengar tangisan anak mereka sendiri
1) Jangan pukul anak dari lutut keatas
2) Jangan gunakan tangan/anggota tubuh kita utk memukul anak dengan tangan dan jangan sesekali menampar anak pakai tangan kita. nanti anak jadi bertambah degil dan nakal dan tak boleh control
3) Rotan/pukul anak di telapak kakinya . Secara saintificnya ada kaitan dengan refleksologi dan merangsang ke bahagian otak
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. “Berguraulah dengan anak kamu kala usianya satu hingga tujuh tahun. Berseronok dengan mereka, bergurau hingga naik atas belakang pun tak apa. Jika suka geletek, kejar atau usik anak asalkan hubungan rapat. Lepas tujuh hingga 14 tahun kita didik dan ajar, kalau salah pukullah dia (sebagai pengajaran)” dimana yang nak dipukul tu? Tapak kakinya … bukan muka, punggung, telinga dan ditempat-tempat yang sensitif… itu salah…
2. Berikan anak anda pelukkan setiap hari (Kajian menunjukkan anak yang dipeluk setiap hari akan mempunyai kekuatan IQ yg lebih kuat daripada anak yang jarang dipeluk)
3. Pandanglah anak anda dengan pandangan kasih sayang (Pandangan ini akan membuatkan anak anda lebih yakin diri apabila berhadapan dengan persekitaran)
4. Berikan peneguhan setiap kali anak anda berbuat kebaikan (Berilah pujian, pelukkan, ciuman, hadiah ataupun sekurang-kurangnya senyuman untuk setiap kebaikan yang dilakukannya).
5. Janganlah mengharapkan anak anda yang belum matang itu melakukan sesuatu perbuatan baik secara berterusan, mereka hanya kanak-kanak yang sedang berkembang. Perkembangan mereka buatkan mereka ingin mengalami setiap perkara termasuklah berbuat silap.
6. Apabila anda berhadapan dengan masalah kerja dan keluarga,pilihlah keluarga (Seorang penulis menyatakan anak-anak terus membesar. Masa itu terus berlalu dan tak akan kembali).
7. Di dalam membesarkan dan mendidik anak-anak, janganlah tuan/puan mengeluh. Keluhan akan membuatkan anak-anak merasakan diri mereka beban.
8. Dengarlah cerita anak anda, cerita itu tak akan dapat anda dengari lagi pada masa akan datang. Tunggu giliran anda untuk bercakap (Ini akan mengajar anak anda tentang giliran untuk bercakap)
9. Tenangkan anak anda setiap kali mereka memerlukannya.
10. Tunjukkan kepada anak anda bagaimana cara untuk menenangkan diri. Mereka akan menirunya.
11. Buatkan sedikit persediaan untuk anak-anak menyambut harijadinya. Sediakanlah hadiah harijadi yang unik walaupun harganya murah. Keunikan akan membuatkan anak anda belajar menghargai. (Anak2 yg dtg daripada persekitaran yang menghargai akan belajar menghargai orang lain).
12. Kemungkinan anak kita menerima pengajaran bukan pada kali pertama belajar. Mereka mungkin memerlukan kita mengajar mereka lebih daripada sekali.
13. Luangkanlah masa bersama anak anda diluar rumah, peganglah tangan anak-anak apabila anda berjalan dengan mereka. Mereka tentu akan merasa kepentingan kehadiran mereka dalam kehidupan andasuami isteri.
14. Dengarlah mimpi ngeri anak-anak anda. Mimpi ngeri mereka adalah begitu real dalam dunia mereka.
15. Hargailah permainan kesayangan anak anda. Mereka juga dalammasa yang sama akan menghargai barang-barang kesayangan anda. Elakkan daripada membuang barang kesayangan mereka walaupun sudah rosak. Mintalah kebenaran mereka sebelum berbuat demikian.
16. Janganlah membiarkan anak-anak anda tidur tanpa ciuman selamat malam,
17. Terimalah yang kadangkala anda bukanlah ibubapa yang sempurna. Ini akan mengurangkan stress menjadi ibu bapa.
18. Jangan selalu membawa bebanan kerja pejabat ke rumah. Anak-anak akan belajar bahawa kerja pejabat selalunya lebih penting daripada keluarga.
19. Anak menangis untuk melegakan keresahan mereka tetapi kadangkala cuma untuk sound effect sahaja. Bagaimanapun dengarilah mereka, dua puluh tahun dari sekarang anda pula yang akan menangis apabila rumah mula terasa sunyi. Anak-anak anda mula sibuk mendengar tangisan anak mereka sendiri
1) Jangan pukul anak dari lutut keatas
2) Jangan gunakan tangan/anggota tubuh kita utk memukul anak dengan tangan dan jangan sesekali menampar anak pakai tangan kita. nanti anak jadi bertambah degil dan nakal dan tak boleh control
3) Rotan/pukul anak di telapak kakinya . Secara saintificnya ada kaitan dengan refleksologi dan merangsang ke bahagian otak
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. “Berguraulah dengan anak kamu kala usianya satu hingga tujuh tahun. Berseronok dengan mereka, bergurau hingga naik atas belakang pun tak apa. Jika suka geletek, kejar atau usik anak asalkan hubungan rapat. Lepas tujuh hingga 14 tahun kita didik dan ajar, kalau salah pukullah dia (sebagai pengajaran)” dimana yang nak dipukul tu? Tapak kakinya … bukan muka, punggung, telinga dan ditempat-tempat yang sensitif… itu salah…
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mendidik Anak Cara Rasulullah
Bila berbicara tentang peranan kita sebagai ibu bapa... ramai mempunyai pandangan dan pendapat sendiri. Ada yang berpendapat kita perlu sangat tegas kepada anak sehingga dengan "menjegilkan" mata pun sudah cukup membuat anak "menikus". Ada pula yang merasakan pendekatan secara lembut dan "reasoning" lebih berkesan. Apa pun pendapat yang diberikan saya lebih suka berpandukan langkah yang digariskan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w yang menyatakan ada empat tahap mendidik anak iaitu:
TAHAP PERTAMA - Anak yang baru lahir sehingga mumayyiz (~6 tahun). Hendaklah kita banyak bergurau dan membelai mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang.
TAHAP KEDUA - Anak berumur 7 tahun sehingga baligh (~14 tahun). Hendaklah kita mendidik mereka dengan arahan, displin dan beri tanggungjawab.
TAHAP KETIGA - Anak berusia 15 tahun hingga dewasa (~21 tahun). Hendaklah dididik dengan cara berkawan, bertukar pendapat dan hormati pendapat mereka selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat.
TAHAP KEEMPAT - Anak berusia lebih daripada 21 tahun. Hendaklah para ibu bapa memberi mereka kebebasan bertindak selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat. Ibu bapa hanya perlu bertindak sebagai penasihat agar segala tindakan mereka terkawal.
Begitulah pendekatan yang digunakan oleh junjungan besar kita. Malah kita semua sedia maklum bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w merupakan seorang insan yang sangat-sangat kasihkan kanak-kanak.
Kesimpulannya... lengkapkan diri kita dengan ilmu untuk menjadi ibu bapa yang terbaik untuk "amanah Allah" yang telah dikurniakan kepada kita. Ia boleh ditimba melalui buku-buku, kursus keibu bapaan, belajar dari pengalaman orang terdahulu dan pelbagai sumber lain. Peningkatan ilmu ini perlu sebagai pelaburan anda untuk melindungi dan menyuburkan aset paling berharga... iaitu anak anda.
Yakin dan percayalah... anak yang cemerlang lahir dari ibu bapa yang cemerlang juga, insyaAllah.
TAHAP PERTAMA - Anak yang baru lahir sehingga mumayyiz (~6 tahun). Hendaklah kita banyak bergurau dan membelai mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang.
TAHAP KEDUA - Anak berumur 7 tahun sehingga baligh (~14 tahun). Hendaklah kita mendidik mereka dengan arahan, displin dan beri tanggungjawab.
TAHAP KETIGA - Anak berusia 15 tahun hingga dewasa (~21 tahun). Hendaklah dididik dengan cara berkawan, bertukar pendapat dan hormati pendapat mereka selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat.
TAHAP KEEMPAT - Anak berusia lebih daripada 21 tahun. Hendaklah para ibu bapa memberi mereka kebebasan bertindak selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat. Ibu bapa hanya perlu bertindak sebagai penasihat agar segala tindakan mereka terkawal.
Begitulah pendekatan yang digunakan oleh junjungan besar kita. Malah kita semua sedia maklum bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w merupakan seorang insan yang sangat-sangat kasihkan kanak-kanak.
Kesimpulannya... lengkapkan diri kita dengan ilmu untuk menjadi ibu bapa yang terbaik untuk "amanah Allah" yang telah dikurniakan kepada kita. Ia boleh ditimba melalui buku-buku, kursus keibu bapaan, belajar dari pengalaman orang terdahulu dan pelbagai sumber lain. Peningkatan ilmu ini perlu sebagai pelaburan anda untuk melindungi dan menyuburkan aset paling berharga... iaitu anak anda.
Yakin dan percayalah... anak yang cemerlang lahir dari ibu bapa yang cemerlang juga, insyaAllah.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Win a pair of Cathay Movie Vouchers
Simply name us a movie you will be catching with your family during the festive season and stand a chance to win a pair of Cathay Movie Vouchers.
We have 5 pairs to giveaway!
Send your entries in the following format (Your entry, Full Name, NRIC, Mailing Address, Contact Numbers) to before
31 December 2009.
Terms and Conditions:
This contest is open to all U Family members only.
Only 1 entry per respondent is allowed.
All winners will be notified via email.
All winners will receive the vouchers via the mailing address provided
Prizes are neither transferable nor exchangeable with cash. U Family reserves the right to substitute the prizes with one of equivalent value.
By submitting your entry, U Family has the right to use your entry on U Family's channels.
All entries must be emailed to
All entries must be fully completed and submitted by 31 Dec 2009
We have 5 pairs to giveaway!
Send your entries in the following format (Your entry, Full Name, NRIC, Mailing Address, Contact Numbers) to before
31 December 2009.
Terms and Conditions:
This contest is open to all U Family members only.
Only 1 entry per respondent is allowed.
All winners will be notified via email.
All winners will receive the vouchers via the mailing address provided
Prizes are neither transferable nor exchangeable with cash. U Family reserves the right to substitute the prizes with one of equivalent value.
By submitting your entry, U Family has the right to use your entry on U Family's channels.
All entries must be emailed to
All entries must be fully completed and submitted by 31 Dec 2009
Win a pair of tickets to Celebrate 2010 (31 Dec)!
Win a Repsol Guide to Spain (30 Dec)

16 October 2009 - 15 May 2010
16 October 2009 - 15 May 2010
Travel on SMRT trains, LRT, buses or taxis or shop with SMRT and stand to win attractive prizes!
•Ride SMRT trains, LRT, buses and qualify automatically for 1 chance per trip.
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•Shop within SMRT network. Every $10 spent earns you 1 chance.
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•SMS 9737 5608 in this format:
•CEPAS Card No.,Name,NRIC/FIN/Passport No.
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Three (3) year free travel with SMRT for four (4) persons & $1,000 SMRT vouchers
Six (6) month free travel with SMRT for two (2) persons and ten (10) Consolation Prizes of $20 SMRT vouchers per draw
Ten (10) $20 SMRT vouchers per draw
Monday, November 2, 2009
Do not throw away your used CDs, VCDs and DVDs away!!! Convert them into $$$$
Just another useful information to share. I just found out that we can actually sell away our used CDs/VCDs/DVDs to shops like Gramophone and EARZ.
So if you have any used CDs, vcds or DVDs which are in good condition, you can consider selling them to Gramophone and EARZ.
For Gramophone, only certain outlets then they have such service. So do check out their websites for more info. Just for additional information, do call before going down as there is a person who is in charge of the 2nd hand cds. So to avoid disappointment do call before going down.
As for EARZ, they only have one outlet which is in Marina Square.
Now, we can recycle our used CDs and the best thing is we can get back some cash!
So if you have any used CDs, vcds or DVDs which are in good condition, you can consider selling them to Gramophone and EARZ.
For Gramophone, only certain outlets then they have such service. So do check out their websites for more info. Just for additional information, do call before going down as there is a person who is in charge of the 2nd hand cds. So to avoid disappointment do call before going down.
As for EARZ, they only have one outlet which is in Marina Square.
Now, we can recycle our used CDs and the best thing is we can get back some cash!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Great Opportunities Await
• Are you looking for long-term stable extra income?
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This "Shop & Earn" referral programme from Up-To-U Marketing Pte Ltd is your chance of a lifetime. The programme will help you to earn extra income in the long term status through personal sales and consumption and referral.
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All you need to do is to be a loyalty member of "Up-To-U" and you will automatically participate in our referral commission earning programme to earn extra income.
How to become a member?
• Anyone as long as age attained 18 and above.
• Membership enrolement fee S$10 (include a company folder and both English and Chinese explanatory notes).
• Renewal of membership fee is S$10 annually.
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• Husband and wife should be separate account.
• No purchase products required when enroled to be a member.
Click here :
• Are you planning to go for holiday where your expenses are paid by others?
• How would you be upgrading your lifestyle?
This "Shop & Earn" referral programme from Up-To-U Marketing Pte Ltd is your chance of a lifetime. The programme will help you to earn extra income in the long term status through personal sales and consumption and referral.
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All you need to do is to be a loyalty member of "Up-To-U" and you will automatically participate in our referral commission earning programme to earn extra income.
How to become a member?
• Anyone as long as age attained 18 and above.
• Membership enrolement fee S$10 (include a company folder and both English and Chinese explanatory notes).
• Renewal of membership fee is S$10 annually.
• Bring along with your IC/ passport to any one of our branches (refer to "Contact Us"). Our friendly staff are willing to serve you in person.
• Husband and wife should be separate account.
• No purchase products required when enroled to be a member.
Click here :
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Parking Rates At Orchard Area
Car Park Mon - Fri
Before 5/6pm Mon - Fri
After 5/6pm Sat Sun/ PH
Atrium @ Orchard $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $2/entry Same as wkdays $2/entry
Cairnhill Place 7am-4.59pm $1.50 per 1/2 hr 5pm-6.59am: $3.50 for 1st 3 hr; $1.50 for sub. ½ hr Same as wkdays $3.50 for 1st 3 hrs; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr
Cathay Cineleisure Orchard 8am-11.59am: $1.28 for 1st hr; $0.32 for sub. 15mins. 12pm-5:59pm: $2.14 for 1st hr; $0.54 for sub. 15mins Mon-Thu, 6pm-7.59am: $3.75/entry. Fri, 6pm-7:59am: $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr (incl eve of PH)
ComCentre (Exeter Rd) $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-6.59am: $2.05/entry 7am-12.59pm: $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr; 1pm-6.59am: $2.05/entry 7am-6.59am: $2.05/entry
Concorde Hotel $1.60 for 1st hr; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3/entry $1.60 for 1st hr; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr $3/entry
Elizabeth Hotel $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. hr After 5pm: $3/entry $3/entry $3/entry
Far East Plaza $2.14 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. ½ hr (10 mins grace period) After 5pm: $3.53/entry for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2hr Same as wkdays $3.53/entry for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2hr
Far East Shopping Centre 8am-5pm $2.40/1st hr and $1.20 sub hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Forum The Shopping Mall $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.20/entry 6am-5pm: $2.60 for 1st hr; $1.40 for sub. 1/2 hr. 5pm-6am: $3.20/entry $3.20/entry
Four Seasons Hotel $5 for 1st hr; $2.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $6/entry Same as wkdays $6/entry
Golden Landmark Hotel $1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm, $2.14/entry Same as wkdays $2.14/entry
Goodwood Park Hotel $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Grand Hyatt $3.21 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $5.35/entry 4am-4:59 pm: $3.21 for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2 hr, after 5pm: same as weekdays $5.35/entry
Grand Park City Hall Hotel 7am-5pm: $3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am: $5/entry (exclusive of GST) Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Hilton Hotel $7 for 1st hr; $3.50 for sub. 1/2 hr. Valet Parking: $10/hr (exc. Carpark charges) $7/entry; Valet Parking: $10/hr(exc. Carpark charges) Same as wkdays $7/entry
Holiday Inn Parkview Hotel DAILY: $2 for 1st hr; $0.50 for sub. 15mins - - -
International Building $2.14/ hr After 5pm: $3/entry $4.50 for 1st 3hrs; $1 for sub. ½ hr $4.50 for 1st 3hrs; $1 for sub. ½ hr
ION Orchard 8.00am to 4.59pm: $2.67 for 1st hr; $0.64 for sub. 15 mins 5pm-7.59am: $3.74/entry Same as wkdays 8.00am to 4.59pm:$3.74 for 1st 2hrs; $0.64 for sub. 15 mins. 5pm-7.59am $3.74 /entry.
Lucky Plaza 7am-5pm:$1.61 for 1st hr; $1.28 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am:$3.21/entry Same as wkdays Sun: Same as wkdays; PH: 3.75/entry
Marriott Hotel 5cents/min; 6am-6pm: max $15 6pm-6am: max $6; motorcycle $3/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Meritus Mandarin Singapore $4.50 for 1st hr; $1.30 for sub. hr After 6pm: $6/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Ngee Ann City 12.01am-06.00pm:$1.28/½ hr 06.01pm-12:00am:$4.28/entry 12.01am-06:00pm:$2.57 for 1st hr. $1.61 for sub. ½ hr; 06.01pm-12.00am:$4.28/entry 12.01am-6.00pm:$2.57 for 1st hr,$1.61 for sub. ½ hr; 06.01pm-12.00am:$4.28/entry
Orchard Building $2.10 for 1st hr, $1.10 for next sub.1/2hr Admission fee : $3; 7am-5pm: $3/entry, $1.50 sub 1 hr. $4/entry, sub 1/2 hr: $1.50. Admission fee: $3; Same as saturday
Orchard Grand Court Hotel 7am-4.59pm $2.00 per hour; After 5pm $2.50 per entry same as weekday $2.50 per entry
Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $4/entry Same as wkdays $4/entry
Orchard Parade Hotel $3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $4/entry 7am-2pm: $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr. After 2pm: $4/entry $4/entry
Orchard Plaza $1.07 for 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.75/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Orchard Point $1.20/ 1/2 hr $1.20/ 1/2 hr Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Orchard Towers $3.50 for 1st 2 hrs; Max fee: $7.20 6pm-1.59am: $4/entry. 2am-6.59am: $2.50/entry Same as wkdays 7.00am-1.59am $4/entry; 2.00am - 6.59am: $2.50/entry
Pacific Plaza $1.50/ 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Palais Renaissance $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Pan Pacific Orchard $3 for 1st hr, $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $4/entry Same as wkdays $4/entry
Paragon $2.25 for 1st hr; $1.34 for sub. 1/2 hr; Add: $1.07 surcharge from 12pm-2.30pm After 6pm: $3.37/entry Same as wkdays $3.37 for 1st 4hrs; $0.70 for sub. 15mins. Add: $1.07 surcharge from 12pm-2.30pm
Park Hotel Orchard Singapore 8am-6pm: $2 for 1st hr; $0.60 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3/entry $2/entry $2/entry
Park Mall $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm-2am:$2/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Plaza Singapura 8am-10am: $1.05 for 1st hr $0.30 for sub. 15 mins. 10am to 6pm: Free parking for 1st hr; $1.05 for 2nd hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins 5pm-8am: $2.10/entry 8am-10pm: $1.05 1st hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins. 10pm to 8am: $1.05/entry 8am-5pm: $1.05 1st hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins. 5pm-8am: $2.10/entry
Regent Hotel 7am-6pm:$3 for 1st hr; $2 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $5/entry. exclusive of GST Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Royal Plaza On Scotts $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm:$5.50/entry Same as wkdays $5.50/entry
Shangri-la Hotel 7am-5pm: $3/hr After 5pm: $6/entry $6/entry, 1st 15 mins free $6/entry, 1st 15 mins free
Shaw Centre 8am-5.59pm: $1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-8am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Shaw House 8am-5.59pm:$1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for next sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-7.59am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays 8am-7.59am:$3.50/entry
Sheraton Towers Hotel 7am-6pm:$3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr; max of $15 After 6pm: $4.50/entry $4.50/entry $4.50/entry
Specialist Shopping Centre Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment
Starhub Centre 7am-5pm:$1.12 for 1st hr; $1.27 for next sub.1/2hr 5pm-6.59am:$2.65/entry 7am-6.59am the following day:$1.12 for 1st hr; $0.61 for next sub.1/2hr 7am-6.59am the following day:$1.12 for 1st hr; $0.61 for next sub.1/2hr
Tanglin Mall $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Before 1pm: $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr. After 1pm: $3.50/entry $3.50/entry
Tanglin Shopping Centre 8am-5.59pm: $2.35 for 1st hr; $1.35 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-7.59am: $2.70/entry Same as wkdays 8am-7.59am: $2.70/entry
Tangs $0.05/min 6pm-6am: $0.05min; Max. charge: $6.00 Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
The Cathay 8am-9.59am: $0.50/15mins. 10am-9:59pm: $1/hr 10pm-7.59am: $2/entry 8am-9.59pm: $1/hr. 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry 8am-9.59pm: $1/hr; 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry; 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry
The Centrepoint $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 or sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am: $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. hr Same as wkdays 7am-7am (next day): $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. hr
The Heeren $2 for 1st hr; $1.30 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-11pm: $3/entry Same as wkdays 8am-11pm: $3 for 1st 3hrs; $1.30 for sub. 1/2 hr
Traders Hotel $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-6am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays except 1pm-6am:$3.50/entry $3.50/entry
TripleOne Somerset 7am-6pm: $1.25 per 1/2 hour 6pm-7am: $2.50 /entry Same as wkdays 7am to 7am next day:$2.50 for 1st 3 hrs; $1.25 per 1/2 hr
Wheelock Place $3 for 1st hr $1.50 for sub. ½ hr; 12:30pm-2:00pm Surcharge of $1.07 After 6pm: $4.50/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays. No surcharge on PH
Winsland House $2.50 for 1st hr, $1.20 for next sub.1/2hr from 7.30am to 6pm 6pm-11pm: $2.50/entry 7.30am-1pm: $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.20 for next sub.1/2hr; 1pm-11pm $2.50/entry 7.30am-11pm: $2.50/entry
Wisma Atria $2.30 for 1st hr; $1.10 for sub. 1/2 hr. Motocycle: $2.10/entry After 5pm: $3.50/entry. Motocycle: $2.10/entry Same as wkdays $3.50 for 1st 2hrs; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr. Motocycle: $2.10/entry
York Hotel $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Note: Rates published are correct at time of printing. While much care has been exercised in compiling this list, please note that rates are subject to changes by the building/carpark management without prior notice; hence, this list only serves as a guide. Do personally verify the rates each time you park at a particular carpark.
We welcome you to email us should you come across any changes/updates in parking rates.
Take note that for the majority of car parks, there is a double charge if your vehicle is parked across two time slots.
For Example Carkpark ABC with charging rate of $1.50/hour from 7am to 5pm and $2.50/entry after 5pm.
Time period: 4pm - 6pm
Charges: 4pm - 5pm ($1.50 for first hour): $1.50
+ 5pm - 6pm ($2.50 per entry): $2.50
Total charges: $1.50 + $2.50 = $4.00
Before 5/6pm Mon - Fri
After 5/6pm Sat Sun/ PH
Atrium @ Orchard $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $2/entry Same as wkdays $2/entry
Cairnhill Place 7am-4.59pm $1.50 per 1/2 hr 5pm-6.59am: $3.50 for 1st 3 hr; $1.50 for sub. ½ hr Same as wkdays $3.50 for 1st 3 hrs; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr
Cathay Cineleisure Orchard 8am-11.59am: $1.28 for 1st hr; $0.32 for sub. 15mins. 12pm-5:59pm: $2.14 for 1st hr; $0.54 for sub. 15mins Mon-Thu, 6pm-7.59am: $3.75/entry. Fri, 6pm-7:59am: $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr $3.75 for 1st 3hrs; $1.07 for sub. hr (incl eve of PH)
ComCentre (Exeter Rd) $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-6.59am: $2.05/entry 7am-12.59pm: $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr; 1pm-6.59am: $2.05/entry 7am-6.59am: $2.05/entry
Concorde Hotel $1.60 for 1st hr; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3/entry $1.60 for 1st hr; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr $3/entry
Elizabeth Hotel $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. hr After 5pm: $3/entry $3/entry $3/entry
Far East Plaza $2.14 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. ½ hr (10 mins grace period) After 5pm: $3.53/entry for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2hr Same as wkdays $3.53/entry for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2hr
Far East Shopping Centre 8am-5pm $2.40/1st hr and $1.20 sub hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Forum The Shopping Mall $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.20/entry 6am-5pm: $2.60 for 1st hr; $1.40 for sub. 1/2 hr. 5pm-6am: $3.20/entry $3.20/entry
Four Seasons Hotel $5 for 1st hr; $2.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $6/entry Same as wkdays $6/entry
Golden Landmark Hotel $1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm, $2.14/entry Same as wkdays $2.14/entry
Goodwood Park Hotel $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Grand Hyatt $3.21 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $5.35/entry 4am-4:59 pm: $3.21 for 1st 3hrs, $1.07 for sub 1/2 hr, after 5pm: same as weekdays $5.35/entry
Grand Park City Hall Hotel 7am-5pm: $3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am: $5/entry (exclusive of GST) Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Hilton Hotel $7 for 1st hr; $3.50 for sub. 1/2 hr. Valet Parking: $10/hr (exc. Carpark charges) $7/entry; Valet Parking: $10/hr(exc. Carpark charges) Same as wkdays $7/entry
Holiday Inn Parkview Hotel DAILY: $2 for 1st hr; $0.50 for sub. 15mins - - -
International Building $2.14/ hr After 5pm: $3/entry $4.50 for 1st 3hrs; $1 for sub. ½ hr $4.50 for 1st 3hrs; $1 for sub. ½ hr
ION Orchard 8.00am to 4.59pm: $2.67 for 1st hr; $0.64 for sub. 15 mins 5pm-7.59am: $3.74/entry Same as wkdays 8.00am to 4.59pm:$3.74 for 1st 2hrs; $0.64 for sub. 15 mins. 5pm-7.59am $3.74 /entry.
Lucky Plaza 7am-5pm:$1.61 for 1st hr; $1.28 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am:$3.21/entry Same as wkdays Sun: Same as wkdays; PH: 3.75/entry
Marriott Hotel 5cents/min; 6am-6pm: max $15 6pm-6am: max $6; motorcycle $3/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Meritus Mandarin Singapore $4.50 for 1st hr; $1.30 for sub. hr After 6pm: $6/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Ngee Ann City 12.01am-06.00pm:$1.28/½ hr 06.01pm-12:00am:$4.28/entry 12.01am-06:00pm:$2.57 for 1st hr. $1.61 for sub. ½ hr; 06.01pm-12.00am:$4.28/entry 12.01am-6.00pm:$2.57 for 1st hr,$1.61 for sub. ½ hr; 06.01pm-12.00am:$4.28/entry
Orchard Building $2.10 for 1st hr, $1.10 for next sub.1/2hr Admission fee : $3; 7am-5pm: $3/entry, $1.50 sub 1 hr. $4/entry, sub 1/2 hr: $1.50. Admission fee: $3; Same as saturday
Orchard Grand Court Hotel 7am-4.59pm $2.00 per hour; After 5pm $2.50 per entry same as weekday $2.50 per entry
Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $4/entry Same as wkdays $4/entry
Orchard Parade Hotel $3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $4/entry 7am-2pm: $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr. After 2pm: $4/entry $4/entry
Orchard Plaza $1.07 for 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.75/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Orchard Point $1.20/ 1/2 hr $1.20/ 1/2 hr Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Orchard Towers $3.50 for 1st 2 hrs; Max fee: $7.20 6pm-1.59am: $4/entry. 2am-6.59am: $2.50/entry Same as wkdays 7.00am-1.59am $4/entry; 2.00am - 6.59am: $2.50/entry
Pacific Plaza $1.50/ 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Palais Renaissance $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Pan Pacific Orchard $3 for 1st hr, $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $4/entry Same as wkdays $4/entry
Paragon $2.25 for 1st hr; $1.34 for sub. 1/2 hr; Add: $1.07 surcharge from 12pm-2.30pm After 6pm: $3.37/entry Same as wkdays $3.37 for 1st 4hrs; $0.70 for sub. 15mins. Add: $1.07 surcharge from 12pm-2.30pm
Park Hotel Orchard Singapore 8am-6pm: $2 for 1st hr; $0.60 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3/entry $2/entry $2/entry
Park Mall $2 for 1st hr; $1 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm-2am:$2/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Plaza Singapura 8am-10am: $1.05 for 1st hr $0.30 for sub. 15 mins. 10am to 6pm: Free parking for 1st hr; $1.05 for 2nd hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins 5pm-8am: $2.10/entry 8am-10pm: $1.05 1st hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins. 10pm to 8am: $1.05/entry 8am-5pm: $1.05 1st hr; $0.30 for sub. 15mins. 5pm-8am: $2.10/entry
Regent Hotel 7am-6pm:$3 for 1st hr; $2 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $5/entry. exclusive of GST Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
Royal Plaza On Scotts $4 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm:$5.50/entry Same as wkdays $5.50/entry
Shangri-la Hotel 7am-5pm: $3/hr After 5pm: $6/entry $6/entry, 1st 15 mins free $6/entry, 1st 15 mins free
Shaw Centre 8am-5.59pm: $1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-8am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Shaw House 8am-5.59pm:$1.07 for 1st hr; $1.07 for next sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-7.59am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays 8am-7.59am:$3.50/entry
Sheraton Towers Hotel 7am-6pm:$3 for 1st hr; $1.50 for sub. 1/2 hr; max of $15 After 6pm: $4.50/entry $4.50/entry $4.50/entry
Specialist Shopping Centre Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment Closed for redevelopment
Starhub Centre 7am-5pm:$1.12 for 1st hr; $1.27 for next sub.1/2hr 5pm-6.59am:$2.65/entry 7am-6.59am the following day:$1.12 for 1st hr; $0.61 for next sub.1/2hr 7am-6.59am the following day:$1.12 for 1st hr; $0.61 for next sub.1/2hr
Tanglin Mall $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr After 5pm: $3.50/entry Before 1pm: $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr. After 1pm: $3.50/entry $3.50/entry
Tanglin Shopping Centre 8am-5.59pm: $2.35 for 1st hr; $1.35 for sub. 1/2 hr 6pm-7.59am: $2.70/entry Same as wkdays 8am-7.59am: $2.70/entry
Tangs $0.05/min 6pm-6am: $0.05min; Max. charge: $6.00 Same as wkdays Same as wkdays
The Cathay 8am-9.59am: $0.50/15mins. 10am-9:59pm: $1/hr 10pm-7.59am: $2/entry 8am-9.59pm: $1/hr. 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry 8am-9.59pm: $1/hr; 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry; 10pm-7:59am: $2/entry
The Centrepoint $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 or sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-7am: $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. hr Same as wkdays 7am-7am (next day): $1 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. hr
The Heeren $2 for 1st hr; $1.30 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-11pm: $3/entry Same as wkdays 8am-11pm: $3 for 1st 3hrs; $1.30 for sub. 1/2 hr
Traders Hotel $2.40 for 1st hr; $1.20 for sub. 1/2 hr 5pm-6am: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays except 1pm-6am:$3.50/entry $3.50/entry
TripleOne Somerset 7am-6pm: $1.25 per 1/2 hour 6pm-7am: $2.50 /entry Same as wkdays 7am to 7am next day:$2.50 for 1st 3 hrs; $1.25 per 1/2 hr
Wheelock Place $3 for 1st hr $1.50 for sub. ½ hr; 12:30pm-2:00pm Surcharge of $1.07 After 6pm: $4.50/entry Same as wkdays Same as wkdays. No surcharge on PH
Winsland House $2.50 for 1st hr, $1.20 for next sub.1/2hr from 7.30am to 6pm 6pm-11pm: $2.50/entry 7.30am-1pm: $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.20 for next sub.1/2hr; 1pm-11pm $2.50/entry 7.30am-11pm: $2.50/entry
Wisma Atria $2.30 for 1st hr; $1.10 for sub. 1/2 hr. Motocycle: $2.10/entry After 5pm: $3.50/entry. Motocycle: $2.10/entry Same as wkdays $3.50 for 1st 2hrs; $0.80 for sub. 1/2 hr. Motocycle: $2.10/entry
York Hotel $2.50 for 1st hr; $1.25 for sub. 1/2 hr After 6pm: $3.50/entry Same as wkdays $3.50/entry
Note: Rates published are correct at time of printing. While much care has been exercised in compiling this list, please note that rates are subject to changes by the building/carpark management without prior notice; hence, this list only serves as a guide. Do personally verify the rates each time you park at a particular carpark.
We welcome you to email us should you come across any changes/updates in parking rates.
Take note that for the majority of car parks, there is a double charge if your vehicle is parked across two time slots.
For Example Carkpark ABC with charging rate of $1.50/hour from 7am to 5pm and $2.50/entry after 5pm.
Time period: 4pm - 6pm
Charges: 4pm - 5pm ($1.50 for first hour): $1.50
+ 5pm - 6pm ($2.50 per entry): $2.50
Total charges: $1.50 + $2.50 = $4.00
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Start your own business and build your future!
Empower yourself with the choices you make today!
Now is the time to take financial control and receive the recognition you deserve.
When times are tough, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit is what you need to succeed.
Exciting product
Our jewelry brand is now represented in 26 countries around the globe and the interest and excitement surrounding our brand continues to grow.
Excellent earning potential
You make direct profits on the jewelry you sell dependant on time spent, commitment and goals you set yourself.
Run your business from home
Organize your events and sparkler parties, and do your business administration from home
– no need for an expensive shop-front.
Flexible hours to suit your schedule
You can choose when to work, but of course the more time and effort you dedicate to your business, the more successful you will be.
Easy start up
Be up and running within two weeks after signing on.
No sign on fee and Minimal upfront investment
We offer you a free trial of up to 3 sparkler parties with no sign on fee and no upfront investment.
You will receive full support and training and earn a good profit while testing your possiblities.
As you can see, we absolutely believe in our product.
Contact our local distributor today and see how you can join the team!
Now is the time to take financial control and receive the recognition you deserve.
When times are tough, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit is what you need to succeed.
Exciting product
Our jewelry brand is now represented in 26 countries around the globe and the interest and excitement surrounding our brand continues to grow.
Excellent earning potential
You make direct profits on the jewelry you sell dependant on time spent, commitment and goals you set yourself.
Run your business from home
Organize your events and sparkler parties, and do your business administration from home
– no need for an expensive shop-front.
Flexible hours to suit your schedule
You can choose when to work, but of course the more time and effort you dedicate to your business, the more successful you will be.
Easy start up
Be up and running within two weeks after signing on.
No sign on fee and Minimal upfront investment
We offer you a free trial of up to 3 sparkler parties with no sign on fee and no upfront investment.
You will receive full support and training and earn a good profit while testing your possiblities.
As you can see, we absolutely believe in our product.
Contact our local distributor today and see how you can join the team!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Biz Opportunities
Join us for FREE to earn some extra income! We have 3 cash-generating plans lined up for your selection.
Referral System: Refer your friends to our callback service and earn 10% of their top-up value. Click here for details.
Callback Card Distributor: Be our card distributor and earn 20% of your sales. Sell without meeting sales-quota.
Paid to read SMS ads (Coming soon!): You will be paid to receive and read mobile SMS ads from our advertisers. A fun way to keep yourself updated with the latest offers in the current market.
Referral System: Refer your friends to our callback service and earn 10% of their top-up value. Click here for details.
Callback Card Distributor: Be our card distributor and earn 20% of your sales. Sell without meeting sales-quota.
Paid to read SMS ads (Coming soon!): You will be paid to receive and read mobile SMS ads from our advertisers. A fun way to keep yourself updated with the latest offers in the current market.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fiat Referral Programme
It's easy to earn extra cash without having to do anything at all. Simply, register, refer and get $300 for each vehicle sold through you. Just follow the steps below :
(1) Register with us as our part-time agent by filling up the form on the left. Afterwhich, you will be issued an agent code.
(2) Refer your friend who is interested in getting a NEW Fiat Commercial vehicle to us by providing your agent code to us.
Send SMS in the below format : [ 'Agent Code' (space) 'Name of Friend' (space) 'Friend's Contact Number' (space) 'Model Interested' ] to 90708797Example : DCS00001 Alan Tan 91234567 Doblo
The Fiat Commercial Vehicles that we have are as follows :
- Fiat Doblo 1.3 Manual
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Doblo 1.9 Manual
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Fiorino 1.3 Auto
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Ducato 2.3 Manual
(email us for details)
- Fiat Scudo 2.0 Manual
(email us for details)
(3) We will do all the work of following up with your friend, arranging for test-driving and submission of all documents. In the meantime, you just need to sit back and wait for our reply.
(4) Once your friend has taken over the delivery of the new vehicle, we will pay you your commission of $300.
That's all you need to do. Just imagine : You have nothing to lose to be our part-time agent, but everything to gain should any of your referrals buy the vehicle from us.
(1) Register with us as our part-time agent by filling up the form on the left. Afterwhich, you will be issued an agent code.
(2) Refer your friend who is interested in getting a NEW Fiat Commercial vehicle to us by providing your agent code to us.
Send SMS in the below format : [ 'Agent Code' (space) 'Name of Friend' (space) 'Friend's Contact Number' (space) 'Model Interested' ] to 90708797Example : DCS00001 Alan Tan 91234567 Doblo
The Fiat Commercial Vehicles that we have are as follows :
- Fiat Doblo 1.3 Manual
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Doblo 1.9 Manual
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Fiorino 1.3 Auto
(check out the latest price and promotions here)
- Fiat Ducato 2.3 Manual
(email us for details)
- Fiat Scudo 2.0 Manual
(email us for details)
(3) We will do all the work of following up with your friend, arranging for test-driving and submission of all documents. In the meantime, you just need to sit back and wait for our reply.
(4) Once your friend has taken over the delivery of the new vehicle, we will pay you your commission of $300.
That's all you need to do. Just imagine : You have nothing to lose to be our part-time agent, but everything to gain should any of your referrals buy the vehicle from us.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Welcome to the World Adrina Maisarah
My Bro Daughter was born on 11th Aug 2009 at KKH... Congarts Adikkku & Wife...Moga menjadi ibubapa yg bertanggungjawab ya... Welcome to the world my beautiful Niece......
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Earn Rewards
I earn rewards that can be exchanged for voucehrs like BK,NTUC,Coffee Bean,Tang &etc , so can u!!!
It's so rewarding .U can accumulate your points in the survey & redeem your choice ok...
So if u are keen, do pm me ur email & i will send you the link ya peeps...
It's so rewarding .U can accumulate your points in the survey & redeem your choice ok...
So if u are keen, do pm me ur email & i will send you the link ya peeps...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Join The Green Revolution with SMRT
From Friday, 1st May 2009 - Wednesday, 30th Sep 2009
Travel on SMRT trains, LRT and buses and stand a chance to win 1-year free travel for 4.
Grand Prize:
1-year free travel with SMRT for 4
Consolation Prize x 4:
3-month free travel with SMRT
Monthly Draws Jun-Sep 09:
3-month free travel with SMRT (5 winners per draw)
Terms & conditions apply.
Visit their website for more details.
Travel on SMRT trains, LRT and buses and stand a chance to win 1-year free travel for 4.
Grand Prize:
1-year free travel with SMRT for 4
Consolation Prize x 4:
3-month free travel with SMRT
Monthly Draws Jun-Sep 09:
3-month free travel with SMRT (5 winners per draw)
Terms & conditions apply.
Visit their website for more details.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Dewi Home
Dewi asked me out for breakfast at KFC her there wth her daughter ...1st time had KFC Porridge & it was delicious...Thanks DEwi for the treat & the gift for Adlin..have yet to get a gift for Alya.... After tat went to the library & went back to her abode... Luv her place so much as it was beautifully decorated.... Thanks again for the dinner cooked by you Babe...Delicious... Anw, had a great time with you especially Adlin... Tahnks eh Babe for the meet eh....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Earn extra income easily by becoming our Brand Champion. The extra $50 or $100 you earn could easily help feed off a particular restaurant craving, or an outing for the family but for the best peace of mind, keep it as your savings! It’s easy being a champion!
WHAT TO CHAMPION: PLAY! monthly subscription package priced at a discounted $25 monthly (U.P $30)
More detail on the package HERE.
Combat strategies:
1. Round up a potential list of clients who are not currently PLAY! members
(family, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, friends, blogs, twitter, facebook)
Success Tip: go for those whom you buy from! Insurance agents, property agents, hairstylists, manicurist etc
2. Come up with your Die Die Must PLAY! benefits
Unlimited dvd rentals, lowest price subscription package, 24 hours, cheaper than cinema means more savings, better quality than pirates!
3. Make sure they say YES!
4. They register and buy subscription plan at the same time, online or at the kiosk. Give them your IC number
5. You WIN! They’re registered…
At registration they will prompted to key in “PLAY! Champion IC number” which is your IC number
6. Your pocket is fuller!
By end of the month, a cheque will be mailed to you with a statement for your verification. Real cash!
You earn 40% of the subscription plan price, that’s $10 per sale made!
Find 10 people within the week and your weekend treat is done deal!
Call us if you have questions or start right now as this ends 30 September!
WHAT TO CHAMPION: PLAY! monthly subscription package priced at a discounted $25 monthly (U.P $30)
More detail on the package HERE.
Combat strategies:
1. Round up a potential list of clients who are not currently PLAY! members
(family, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, friends, blogs, twitter, facebook)
Success Tip: go for those whom you buy from! Insurance agents, property agents, hairstylists, manicurist etc
2. Come up with your Die Die Must PLAY! benefits
Unlimited dvd rentals, lowest price subscription package, 24 hours, cheaper than cinema means more savings, better quality than pirates!
3. Make sure they say YES!
4. They register and buy subscription plan at the same time, online or at the kiosk. Give them your IC number
5. You WIN! They’re registered…
At registration they will prompted to key in “PLAY! Champion IC number” which is your IC number
6. Your pocket is fuller!
By end of the month, a cheque will be mailed to you with a statement for your verification. Real cash!
You earn 40% of the subscription plan price, that’s $10 per sale made!
Find 10 people within the week and your weekend treat is done deal!
Call us if you have questions or start right now as this ends 30 September!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Dear Friend,
Are you ready to change your life and stop having to constantly worry about the recession and fear not having enough money for yourself or your loved ones?
If your answer is 'Yes!', we want to extend our invitation for you to join our Work From Home Singaporeans training portal/ community site. Once you sign up for free, you get the exclusive opportunity to discover how you can generate an income using the Internet, working from the comfort of your own home.
COme joinus..Click on the below banner....
FREE to sign up.
Get Paid S$5 immediately once you signed up
Are you ready to change your life and stop having to constantly worry about the recession and fear not having enough money for yourself or your loved ones?
If your answer is 'Yes!', we want to extend our invitation for you to join our Work From Home Singaporeans training portal/ community site. Once you sign up for free, you get the exclusive opportunity to discover how you can generate an income using the Internet, working from the comfort of your own home.
COme joinus..Click on the below banner....
FREE to sign up.
Get Paid S$5 immediately once you signed up
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Worlds Number 1 Online Payment Service
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Hi Friend,
I came across this awesome money making system recently
and I am so excited!!! You have to check it out as well!
The link is included below:
In 1 simple 3 step system, we can make millions on the internet.
And this does not involve any get-rich-quick scam, MLM or anything like that.
This system will guide us step-by-step how to become a Stay Home Millionaire!
Here's the link again, don't hesitate, check it out!
It's just amazing, you can start MAKING MONEY today!
So come on, click the banner below:
I came across this awesome money making system recently
and I am so excited!!! You have to check it out as well!
The link is included below:
In 1 simple 3 step system, we can make millions on the internet.
And this does not involve any get-rich-quick scam, MLM or anything like that.
This system will guide us step-by-step how to become a Stay Home Millionaire!
Here's the link again, don't hesitate, check it out!
It's just amazing, you can start MAKING MONEY today!
So come on, click the banner below:
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Earn $ With Twitter
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Baby Blisscard @ South West

If you are staying in the southwest district, you can get a babybliss cash-card valued at $38! This amount is good for paying off some ERP or car park charges right?! For those who do not drive, you can buy your baby items and pay off using the cash-card.
Check out details
Friday, July 3, 2009
Highest Paying Advertising
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Cheap Hotels
Compare and Book Cheap Hotel Deals and Prices for Preferred Destinations
at WEGO.
COme, click here
& u wont regtret ya...

at WEGO.
COme, click here
& u wont regtret ya... - Travel Deals | Get the Latest Hotel Deals Today |
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Five Importants Steps in Promoting Your Website
Step One - Target the Right Market
You will have to find Web sites that target the type of audience you are marketing to. For example, if you are selling sports products, advertise at sports related sites, newsletters, forums and etc. Focus at your targeted market and find l similar possibilities to target as well. If your sports products are designed for young people then make sure your website is visible where there are lots of young people.
Step Two - Generate Lots of Traffic
You need to generate lots of traffic to your Web site and gain recognition, you have to promote in as many places as you possibly can. Do not just spend all your advertising budget in only one or two spots. Make sure you measure the amount of traffic they are generating. Be aware that some sites charges high advertising rates but may not be generating as much traffic as they claimed. There are many sites that offer great deals and charge at affordable rates.
Step Three - Use the Search Engines
Google, Yahoo and MSN search are the best places to do research on "Free Advertising", "List your URL", "Add your URL", "Add your Site", "Free Site Promotion", etc. Use your targeted keywords with the search terms and you will come up with loads of possibilities. There are still lots of site where you can get free advertisment.
Step Four - Contribute Articles or Write a Report
You can either write the article yourself or hire a ghost writer from Your article does not need to be long - you can get a freelance writer to do a 400-word article for $20 or less. Alternatively, you can write a short report on a topic that you are familiar with. Then give permission to others to use your articles in their Web site and newsletter. Make sure you have your Web site URL at the end of the article. Or, better still, use appropriate text link your website. Distributing your articles and reports will attracting more traffic to your website and increase the number of inbound links which is vital to your ranking in major search engines.
Step Five - Add New Content Constantly
Add good content to your website constantly - say at least one new article every week. People will return to your Web site for fresh content. You may consider to "RSS enabled" your articles section so that people subscribe to your article feed. Again, if you do not have the time to do the article yourself, hire a freelance writer. Beside your human visitors, search engine spiders love fresh content. When you constantly add new content, the spiders will visit your site more frequently and your search ranking will improve over time.
Finally, always remember the bottom line is number of paying customers to your website. Your measure must be in terms of ROI. Get as many visitors to your website as you can afford and maximize your conversion rate to improve your profits. And always ask when you are in doubt and be willing to pay for good expert advice.
You will have to find Web sites that target the type of audience you are marketing to. For example, if you are selling sports products, advertise at sports related sites, newsletters, forums and etc. Focus at your targeted market and find l similar possibilities to target as well. If your sports products are designed for young people then make sure your website is visible where there are lots of young people.
Step Two - Generate Lots of Traffic
You need to generate lots of traffic to your Web site and gain recognition, you have to promote in as many places as you possibly can. Do not just spend all your advertising budget in only one or two spots. Make sure you measure the amount of traffic they are generating. Be aware that some sites charges high advertising rates but may not be generating as much traffic as they claimed. There are many sites that offer great deals and charge at affordable rates.
Step Three - Use the Search Engines
Google, Yahoo and MSN search are the best places to do research on "Free Advertising", "List your URL", "Add your URL", "Add your Site", "Free Site Promotion", etc. Use your targeted keywords with the search terms and you will come up with loads of possibilities. There are still lots of site where you can get free advertisment.
Step Four - Contribute Articles or Write a Report
You can either write the article yourself or hire a ghost writer from Your article does not need to be long - you can get a freelance writer to do a 400-word article for $20 or less. Alternatively, you can write a short report on a topic that you are familiar with. Then give permission to others to use your articles in their Web site and newsletter. Make sure you have your Web site URL at the end of the article. Or, better still, use appropriate text link your website. Distributing your articles and reports will attracting more traffic to your website and increase the number of inbound links which is vital to your ranking in major search engines.
Step Five - Add New Content Constantly
Add good content to your website constantly - say at least one new article every week. People will return to your Web site for fresh content. You may consider to "RSS enabled" your articles section so that people subscribe to your article feed. Again, if you do not have the time to do the article yourself, hire a freelance writer. Beside your human visitors, search engine spiders love fresh content. When you constantly add new content, the spiders will visit your site more frequently and your search ranking will improve over time.
Finally, always remember the bottom line is number of paying customers to your website. Your measure must be in terms of ROI. Get as many visitors to your website as you can afford and maximize your conversion rate to improve your profits. And always ask when you are in doubt and be willing to pay for good expert advice.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Raise Creative Kids e-book for free!
Download our Raise Creative Kids e-book for free!
In seconds you could be reading this dynamic and absolutely free resource.
Simply enter your name and email address and hit the "Download Now" button.
Name :
Email :
Here are just few things that you will learn after reading the Raise Creative Kids e-Book:
Why creativity is important
The secrets to raising a creative child
Various creative games you can play with your child
Sample creative questions to ask your child
Listing of creative classes in Singapore
Go ahead, download the cultivating creativity Ebook now.
In seconds you could be reading this dynamic and absolutely free resource.
Simply enter your name and email address and hit the "Download Now" button.
Name :
Email :
Here are just few things that you will learn after reading the Raise Creative Kids e-Book:
Why creativity is important
The secrets to raising a creative child
Various creative games you can play with your child
Sample creative questions to ask your child
Listing of creative classes in Singapore
Go ahead, download the cultivating creativity Ebook now.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Get Paid To Read Emails - With EmailCashPro
Earn money by reading email advertisements of your interest. EmailCashPro is the FIRST "Get Paid To Read Email" Community Portal in Singapore and is now open to international members.
Payment Mode: cheque or Paypal
Minimum Payout: SGD $11. (The payable amount will be the requested payment less $1 processing fee.)

Experience the difference that EmailCashPro can bring to you. Join our exploding community TODAY!
Payment Mode: cheque or Paypal
Minimum Payout: SGD $11. (The payable amount will be the requested payment less $1 processing fee.)
Experience the difference that EmailCashPro can bring to you. Join our exploding community TODAY!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
is another PTC site. For every 20 ads you click, you receive a free lottery ticket! You can use this lottery ticket to win up to $5 instantly! Click 20 ads, get a winning lottery ticket.
Note that you need to click once every 10 days for you to receive your payment.
Click to join Advercash.
Payment Mode: PayPal, Alertpay
Minimum Payout: USD 12.50
Get Creative with Huggies at FairPrice
From Thursday, 18th Jun 2009 - Friday, 31st Jul 2009
Purchase $30 worth of participating Huggies products and stand a chance to win a Little Tikes Double Easel worth $169.
30 units to be won.
Terms & conditions apply.
Refer to entry form for more details.
Purchase $30 worth of participating Huggies products and stand a chance to win a Little Tikes Double Easel worth $169.
30 units to be won.
Terms & conditions apply.
Refer to entry form for more details.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Celebrate Father's Day at my Dad's Cafe at Singapore Discovery Centre...
Happy Fathers Day to all Father's Out there..
Abah, U are our One & Only BEST Dad in this world... Thanks a lot for all your sacrifices towards us all this while..May Allah bestowed you with great health always,Insya-Allah
Monday, June 8, 2009
Autorun Energizer Engine Treatment

Unlike many lubricants, Autorun can be used with either regular or synthetic motor oil. Long term and regular use of Autorun will:
• Reduce overall engine wear and tear
• Minimise cold start damage
• Reduce engine noise
• Reduce maintenance and repair costs
• Protect turbo-charged engines
• Improve engine performance
• Improve fuel economy
• Increase power output
Need this for ur car, pm me back for mor einfos ya..
Friday, May 29, 2009
Refer New Members at & earn $
About Our Affiliate Program
This program rewards our existing members for each new member brought about by his/her marketing efforts such as blogging about missFashion, positive word-of-mouth, invitation of friends via various mediums, etc.
How Is It Calculated?
A flate rate of SGD $1.00 for each item purchased by members (referred by you) will be credited into your account.
How Does It Works?
1) You refer new members to
2) You will be paid SGD $1.00 worth of credit points for each item purchased by your referred member.
Which Methods Are Recommended?
We are always open to ideas and innovations. However, please adhere to our Terms of Use when referring new members to
1) You may place links to our website.
2) You may tell your friends about it.
3) You may blog about us.
3) You may use our automated invitation application.
4) ...much more
So come join in & earn $$$ for urself
This program rewards our existing members for each new member brought about by his/her marketing efforts such as blogging about missFashion, positive word-of-mouth, invitation of friends via various mediums, etc.
How Is It Calculated?
A flate rate of SGD $1.00 for each item purchased by members (referred by you) will be credited into your account.
How Does It Works?
1) You refer new members to
2) You will be paid SGD $1.00 worth of credit points for each item purchased by your referred member.
Which Methods Are Recommended?
We are always open to ideas and innovations. However, please adhere to our Terms of Use when referring new members to
1) You may place links to our website.
2) You may tell your friends about it.
3) You may blog about us.
3) You may use our automated invitation application.
4) ...much more
So come join in & earn $$$ for urself
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Refer a Friend & Earn Money Program
Looking for extra money?introduction of our refer a friend program you can earn passive income instantly
How it works ?
All you have to do is to recommend our meal delivery services to your friends and you could earn money$$$ when they placed their orders with us.
How much would you earn?
You would earn a whopping 10% commision on the total price quote.For instance, if they order 2 set of party meal you would earn $19.60 straight and you would receive the commisions straight away via bank transfer.
I'm interested, How do i join?
Its extremely Easy.Simply fill up the form below stating your
Name :
POSB Bank A/c No. : Bank transfer to your A/C
Telephone Number : Notification of deposits of commsions via SMS
Contribution of commision would be made via POSB bank transfer directly after reciept of payment from clients.Commissions would be credited to your account within 4-6 hrs.Its Fast , Easy, Hassle free and not forgetting instant cash.
Simply call sales office at: Tel/Fax: 92221775 | 67431754 for further assistance. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Dialformeal Referal Application Form
Select Program : Dialformeal Referer Application First and Last Name: Phone Number: Posb Account No. A/C Type.(Sav/Cur) Comments:
How it works ?
All you have to do is to recommend our meal delivery services to your friends and you could earn money$$$ when they placed their orders with us.
How much would you earn?
You would earn a whopping 10% commision on the total price quote.For instance, if they order 2 set of party meal you would earn $19.60 straight and you would receive the commisions straight away via bank transfer.
I'm interested, How do i join?
Its extremely Easy.Simply fill up the form below stating your
Name :
POSB Bank A/c No. : Bank transfer to your A/C
Telephone Number : Notification of deposits of commsions via SMS
Contribution of commision would be made via POSB bank transfer directly after reciept of payment from clients.Commissions would be credited to your account within 4-6 hrs.Its Fast , Easy, Hassle free and not forgetting instant cash.
Simply call sales office at: Tel/Fax: 92221775 | 67431754 for further assistance. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Dialformeal Referal Application Form
Select Program : Dialformeal Referer Application First and Last Name: Phone Number: Posb Account No. A/C Type.(Sav/Cur) Comments:
Friday, May 1, 2009
Anyone wanna continue wth our Bank Loan for our Weekend GENII(Proton) Car?
Need not to pay any amt for the car but pay for the transfer fees, insurance & other misc fees....
Coe Expiry: 31 July2016
Road tax Expiry: 31 July 2009
Colour: Orange
Orig registration Date: 1 Aug 2006
For more details, pls do not hesitate to email me at, Thanks!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Yati
Happy 30th Birthday to my BELOVED Fwen, Norhayati Ahmad... Thanks for dropping by to see Adlina today & the cake as well.. Sorry have yet to get you a Present eh..
Saturday, February 14, 2009
2nd Pwincess,Adlin Zuhairah Bte Zulkiffli
Alhamdulillah, our 2nd Pwincess, Adlina Zuhairah Bte Zulkiffli join us on 11th February 2009 at Mt Alvernia Hospital...Again, I am grateful to Allah for giving me an easy way to give birth,Syukur Alhamdulillah...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What Is Jaundice?
Jaundice is the yellow colour seen in the skin of many newborns and happens when a chemical called bilirubin builds up in baby's blood. It can occur in babies of any race.
Why Does My Baby Have Jaundice?
Bilirubin in the blood is normally removed by the liver. Before birth, the mother's liver does this for the baby.
Jaundice is coomon in newborns because their immature livers require a few days to develop before it can eliminate the bilirubin efficiently.
Can Jaundice Harm My Baby?
Most infants have mild jaundice that is harmless. However, in some infants, the bilirubin level can be very high and this may cause brain damage.
Hence, newborns should be checked carefully for jaundice and treatment should be administered to prevent a high level of bilirubin.
How Can I Tell If My Baby Is Jaundiced?
The best way to detect jaundice is to place the baby in good light such as daylight or fluorescent lights. The skin of the baby with jaundice usually appears yellow, first in the face, thereafter moving downwards to the chest, abdomen, arms and legs as the bilirubin level increases.
The whites of the eye may also appear yellow. In tanned skin babies, jaundice may be hard to detect visually.
How Should My Baby Be Checked For Jaundice?
If your baby appears jaundiced in the first few days of life, the doctor may conduct a blood test to determine your baby's bilirubin level. A bilirubin level is always needed if jaundice develops before a baby is 24 hours old.
Further tests might be needed, depending on the age of the baby, the bilirubin level as well as other factors that predispose the baby to jaundice.
When Should My Baby Get Checked For Jaundice After Leaving The Hospital?
It is important for your baby to be seen by a nurse or doctor when your baby is between 3 to 5 days old, because this is usually the time when a baby's bilirubin level is the highest.
The timing of this visit may vary depending on the age of your baby when discharged from the hospital, advice given upon discharge and other factors.
Does Breastfeeding Affect Jaundice?
Jaundice is more common in babies who are breastfed than those on formula milk. But this occurs mainly in infants who have not been nursing well.
If you are breastfeeding, you should nurse your baby at least 8 to 12 times a day for the first few days. This will help you produce enough milk and help keep baby's bilirubin level down.
If you are having difficulty breastfeeding, consult your doctor, nurse or lactation specialist for help. Breast milk is the IDEAL food for your baby.
Which Babies Require More Attention For Jaundice?
Some babies have a greater risk for high levels of bilirubin. Risk factors include:
Appearance of jaundice in the first 24 hours after birth
Breastfeeding that is not going well
Bruising or bleeding under the scalp, which are related to labour and delivery
Family history of jaundice : A parent of sibling who had high bilirubin level and required light therapy
G6PD deficiency
How Is Jaundice Treated?
If your baby's bilirubin level is high, he will need to be admitted to the hospital for phototherapy. This is done by placing your unclothed baby under special lights.
Phototherapy will lower the bilirubin level. The level at which jaundice is treated is significantly lower than those at which brain damage is a concern and treatment can help prevent the harmful effects of jaundice.
However, in some occasions, the level of jaundice may be so high that phototherapy may not be effective. A special procedure known as exchange transfusion might then be necessary.
Putting your baby in sunlight is not recommended. It does not reduce the jaundice level effectively. Moreover, newborns should never be placed under direct sunlight as they might be overheated.
When Does Jaundice Go Away?
In breastfed infants, jaundice often lasts for more than 2 to 3 weeks. In formula-fed infants, most jaundice will disappear by 2 weeks.
Please consult your doctor if your baby is jaundiced for more than 2 weeks.
Home treatment for Jaundice:
Treatment using Radish Leaves
The leaves of radish should be pounded and their juice extracted through cloth. Half a liters of this juice should be taken daily by an adult patient In most cases, complete cure can be ensured within eight or ten days.
Treatment using Tomato
A glass of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken early in the morning, is considered an effective remedy for this disease.
Treatment using Snake Gourd Leaves
An infusion of the leaves should be prepared by mixing 15 gm of dry leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Next, a decoction of coriander seeds in 500 ml of water till it is reduced by one-third. The infusion should be given in doses of 30 to 60 ml, mixed with the decoction of coriander seeds, thrice daily.
Treatment using Almonds, Dried Dates and Cardamoms
Eight kernels of almonds, two dried dates, and five small cardamoms should be soaked overnight in water. The outer coating of the almond kernels and the inner seeds of dried dates should be removed the next morning and the whole material should be rubbed into a fine paste. Then, fifty grams of sugar and an equal amount of butter should be mixed in it and the patient should lick this mixture.
Treatment using Sugarcane Juice
One glass of sugarcane juice, mixed with the juice of half a lime, and taken twice daily, can hasten recovery from jaundice.
Treatment using Lemon
The patient should be given 20 ml of lemon juice mixed with water several times a day. This will protect the damaged liver cells.
Treatment using Barley Water
One cup of barley should be boiled in three liters of water and simmered for three hours and should be given to the patient several times during the day.
Why Does My Baby Have Jaundice?
Bilirubin in the blood is normally removed by the liver. Before birth, the mother's liver does this for the baby.
Jaundice is coomon in newborns because their immature livers require a few days to develop before it can eliminate the bilirubin efficiently.
Can Jaundice Harm My Baby?
Most infants have mild jaundice that is harmless. However, in some infants, the bilirubin level can be very high and this may cause brain damage.
Hence, newborns should be checked carefully for jaundice and treatment should be administered to prevent a high level of bilirubin.
How Can I Tell If My Baby Is Jaundiced?
The best way to detect jaundice is to place the baby in good light such as daylight or fluorescent lights. The skin of the baby with jaundice usually appears yellow, first in the face, thereafter moving downwards to the chest, abdomen, arms and legs as the bilirubin level increases.
The whites of the eye may also appear yellow. In tanned skin babies, jaundice may be hard to detect visually.
How Should My Baby Be Checked For Jaundice?
If your baby appears jaundiced in the first few days of life, the doctor may conduct a blood test to determine your baby's bilirubin level. A bilirubin level is always needed if jaundice develops before a baby is 24 hours old.
Further tests might be needed, depending on the age of the baby, the bilirubin level as well as other factors that predispose the baby to jaundice.
When Should My Baby Get Checked For Jaundice After Leaving The Hospital?
It is important for your baby to be seen by a nurse or doctor when your baby is between 3 to 5 days old, because this is usually the time when a baby's bilirubin level is the highest.
The timing of this visit may vary depending on the age of your baby when discharged from the hospital, advice given upon discharge and other factors.
Does Breastfeeding Affect Jaundice?
Jaundice is more common in babies who are breastfed than those on formula milk. But this occurs mainly in infants who have not been nursing well.
If you are breastfeeding, you should nurse your baby at least 8 to 12 times a day for the first few days. This will help you produce enough milk and help keep baby's bilirubin level down.
If you are having difficulty breastfeeding, consult your doctor, nurse or lactation specialist for help. Breast milk is the IDEAL food for your baby.
Which Babies Require More Attention For Jaundice?
Some babies have a greater risk for high levels of bilirubin. Risk factors include:
Appearance of jaundice in the first 24 hours after birth
Breastfeeding that is not going well
Bruising or bleeding under the scalp, which are related to labour and delivery
Family history of jaundice : A parent of sibling who had high bilirubin level and required light therapy
G6PD deficiency
How Is Jaundice Treated?
If your baby's bilirubin level is high, he will need to be admitted to the hospital for phototherapy. This is done by placing your unclothed baby under special lights.
Phototherapy will lower the bilirubin level. The level at which jaundice is treated is significantly lower than those at which brain damage is a concern and treatment can help prevent the harmful effects of jaundice.
However, in some occasions, the level of jaundice may be so high that phototherapy may not be effective. A special procedure known as exchange transfusion might then be necessary.
Putting your baby in sunlight is not recommended. It does not reduce the jaundice level effectively. Moreover, newborns should never be placed under direct sunlight as they might be overheated.
When Does Jaundice Go Away?
In breastfed infants, jaundice often lasts for more than 2 to 3 weeks. In formula-fed infants, most jaundice will disappear by 2 weeks.
Please consult your doctor if your baby is jaundiced for more than 2 weeks.
Home treatment for Jaundice:
Treatment using Radish Leaves
The leaves of radish should be pounded and their juice extracted through cloth. Half a liters of this juice should be taken daily by an adult patient In most cases, complete cure can be ensured within eight or ten days.
Treatment using Tomato
A glass of fresh tomato juice, mixed with a pinch of salt and pepper, taken early in the morning, is considered an effective remedy for this disease.
Treatment using Snake Gourd Leaves
An infusion of the leaves should be prepared by mixing 15 gm of dry leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Next, a decoction of coriander seeds in 500 ml of water till it is reduced by one-third. The infusion should be given in doses of 30 to 60 ml, mixed with the decoction of coriander seeds, thrice daily.
Treatment using Almonds, Dried Dates and Cardamoms
Eight kernels of almonds, two dried dates, and five small cardamoms should be soaked overnight in water. The outer coating of the almond kernels and the inner seeds of dried dates should be removed the next morning and the whole material should be rubbed into a fine paste. Then, fifty grams of sugar and an equal amount of butter should be mixed in it and the patient should lick this mixture.
Treatment using Sugarcane Juice
One glass of sugarcane juice, mixed with the juice of half a lime, and taken twice daily, can hasten recovery from jaundice.
Treatment using Lemon
The patient should be given 20 ml of lemon juice mixed with water several times a day. This will protect the damaged liver cells.
Treatment using Barley Water
One cup of barley should be boiled in three liters of water and simmered for three hours and should be given to the patient several times during the day.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Used HeLMet@$40
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